Education and Training
Clinical Research Management: Complimentary Materials
Jun 29, 2022 by JoAnn PfeifferThe complementary materials in this book have been created based on years of teaching and working in the clinical research management field. The original book A CLINICAL TRIAL WORKBOOK: Material to Complement Research Education and Training Programs was published in 2016. The intent was to provide tools and resources to assist in the training and education of present and future professionals in the field. The materials in that book have been used in many different courses including ethical conduct of research, contracts and budgets, scientific review boards, clinical research operations, monitoring of clinical trials, leadership and project management.
Since 2016, we have received many requests for additional materials. This new book is a compilation of materials from the original book (many revised) and additional materials requested. Materials include multiple protocols (including medical device), consent forms (including an assent form), clinical trial study site and sponsor budgets, clinical trial agreements, data management materials, recruitment ads, case report forms (CRFs), and other study documents. This book includes a study site Business Plan. The Plan includes study roles, facility information, site background, equipments, staff backgrounds and qualifications, staff training program, pay rates and more. It can be used to create assignments and activities such as developing a study budget; determining feasibility of a site for a study based on qualifications, resources, and space; data management plans; recruitment plans and activities; CRFs; and more.
Feedback from faculty and trainers that have used the materials in the previous book include:
“Until I found this book, I struggled to find materials to use in my budget management course. I have used the protocol for students to develop clinical trial budgets. I look forward to the new book with its additional materials and site business plan to incorporate more activities in my course.”
“We have used the protocol to have students create CRFs for various visits. It is a practical, hands-on experience for them. They learn much more than they would by just reviewing a CRF.”
“I have included this book in my research ethics course for the past 3 years. The materials are relevant to human subject research and demonstrate how to be compliant and ethical with study documents. Students also review the documents in relation to FDA CFRs to determine if they are compliant and how they might be improved.”
A Practical Guide to Managing Clinical Trials
Jun 29, 2022 by JoAnn PfeifferA comprehensive guide to conducting clinical trials. This textbook is designed clinical research management academic programs and for individuals working in research site operations. This user-friendly reference guides the reader through each step of the clinical trial process from site selection, to site set-up, subject recruitment, study visits, and study close-out. Topics include staff roles and responsibilities, budget and contract review and management, subject study visits, data management, event reporting, research ethics, audits and inspections, consenting process, IRB oversight, FDA regulations and GCPs.
Pfeiffer, JoAnn & Wells, Cris. (2016) CRC Press. ISBN: 978-1-138-19650-6
Self-assessed Competencies of Clinical Research Professionals and Recommendations for Further Education and Training
Jun 24, 2022 by AdminSonstein, S.A., Samuels, E., Aldinger, C. et al. Self-assessed Competencies of Clinical Research Professionals and Recommendations for Further Education and Training. Ther Innov Regul Sci 56, 607–615 (2022).
Incorporation of Competencies Related to Project Management and Updated Clinical Trial Technology Content into the Joint Taskforce Core Competency Framework for Clinical Research Professionals
Feb 21, 2022 by Stephen SonsteinSonstein SA, Kim LP, Ichhpurani N, et al. Incorporating Competencies Related to Project Management into the Joint Taskforce Core Competency Framework for Clinical Research Professionals. Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science. 2022/01/05 2022;56(1)doi:10.1007/s43441-021-00369-7
The Competency of Clinical Research Coordinators: The Importance of Education and Experience
Jul 28, 2021 by Jared KerrHornung CA, Kerr J, Gluck W, Jones CT. The Competency of Clinical Research Coordinators: The Importance of Education and Experience. Original Paper. Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science. 2021-06-29 2021:1-8. doi:doi:10.1007/s43441-021-00320-w
Navigating a career as a clinical research professional: Where to begin?
May 20, 2021 by Carolynn JonesKesling, B.*, Saunders, J.*, Jones, C., Neidecker, M. (2020, June). Navigating a career as a clinical research professional: Where to begin? Clinical Researcher. June 2020: 34(6).
Key ePortfolio features and strategies for student success in a competency-based clinical research program
May 20, 2021 by Carolynn JonesJones, C.T., Tornwall, J., Plahovinsak, J., Fritter, J*., Neidecker, M.V. (2021) The use of ePortfolio as an academic evaluation tool for clinical research competencies. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 13 (8).
A perspective on the current state of clinical research education and training
Nov 13, 2020 by Joan T. Butler, EdD, MSBocchino, JM, Butler, J, Harper B. A perspective on the current state of clinical research education and training. Clin Researcher 2020 Nov, 34(8): 8-20.
Moving from compliance to competency: A harmonized core competency framework for the clinical research professional
Jun 2, 2014 by Stephen SonsteinSonstein SA, Seltzer J, Li R, Silva H, Jones C, Daemen E. Moving from compliance to competency: A harmonized core competency framework for the Clinical Research Professional. Applied Clinical Trials. June 2, 2014. Accessed October 3, 2024.