Become A Member of CoAPCR
- Regular (Institutional) Membership
- Post-secondary academically based educational institution or clinical facility accredited by a regional institutional accrediting agency that is recognized by the US Department of Education located in the USA or for institutions abroad recognized by either the US Department of Education or by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, offering certificate, diploma, or degree programs for clinical research professionals.
- Multiple members per institution, 1 voting member. $250 annual membership fee.
- Sponsoring (Supporting) Membership
- Stakeholders of CoAPCR that wish to contribute annually to the financial support of COAPCR at a higher level. Membership allows for the suggestion of individuals to be considered for representation on the CAAPCR (ie, committee on accreditation).
- Multiple members per organization, no voting rights. $1000 annual membership fee per organization.
- Sustaining Membership
- Any individual who wishes to contribute annually to the support of CoAPCR.
- Individual member, no voting rights. $100 annual membership fee.