
ACRP Clinical Research Leadership Scholarship

Oct 19, 2022 by Admin a:2:{s:7:"content";s:2221:"

ACPR is delighted to share with COAPCR members that as part of their commitment to clinical research workforce development, ACRP has launched a new scholarship program to support clinical researchers on their pathway toward a master’s degree in clinical research. ACPR is now accepting applications for the newly founded ACRP Clinical Research Leadership Scholarship.

ACRP is writing to ask for help from academic programs with a master's degree to distribute this information for making students aware of the opportunity. You can learn more about the details here.  Briefly, the scholarship provides a total of three students enrolled in a clinical research master’s degree program with complimentary attendance at ACRP’s 2023 annual conference, April 28-May 1. These scholarships are estimated at a $2,500 value each. Letters of reference can be sent directly to Kara Bastarache at ACRP. The deadline for application is January 5, 2023.

Thank you for your support of ACRP, our mission to ensure excellence in clinical research, and our collective and collaborative efforts to build a diverse, research-ready workforce.


Kara Bastarache, CAE (she/her/hers)

Senior Manager of Educational Programs

Association of Clinical Research Professionals

(703) 253-6266

610 Madison Street | Ste 101 - #613

Alexandria, VA 22314
